互相: mutual; each other打: strike; hit; knock起: rise; get up; stand up架: frame; rack; shelf; stand来: come; arrive打起架来: fall to cuff; go to cuff互相殴打起来: no.to come to blows竖起架: erector毛巾架来源: towel rail towel rack拿担架来: get a stretcher please互相: mutual; each other 互相包庇 harbour [shield] each other; 互相策应 echo one another; take concerted action; in coordination with one another; 互相吹棒 flatter each other; logroll; claw me and i'll claw thee照相打字: photocompose; phototypesetting照相打字机: photo-typewriter导弹竖起架: missile erector运载竖起架: carrying bed erector伸臂式竖起架: arm-type erector吵着打起来: proceed from words to blows打起精神: cheer up; pluck up courage; with chin up; keep up one's spirit; buck [brace] up energy打起精神来: raise one's spiritscheer up打起泡沫的: beaten扭打起来: fall together by the ears照相组版,照相打字: photocompose动武, 开始打起来: have a tussle搅打起泡沫的: beaten-up支持,拥护;打起精神: bear up