The milky way will look like a hazy, cloud-like, irregular band across the sky . 银河看来就象一条横在天空的、模糊的、不规则的、云雾状的带子。
Nebulee or nebuly - the sea or water 云雾状波纹海,或是水。
Black jade arrive from black light and getting wicked , black its mostly cloud vaporific , pieces of banding , etc . 墨玉墨玉由墨色到淡黑色,其墨色多为云雾状条带状等。
Various shapes that the color is leather , it is vaporific that some become clouds , some are the pulse form , some distribute some forms 色皮的形态各种各样,有的成云雾状,有的为脉状,有的为散点状。
Graphite black , distribute among black jade , or take the form of asterism , aggregate form , appear black asterism , or cloud vaporific , pieces of banding dark line , etc . among white jade , other malachite does not generally have this situation 石墨呈黑色,分布于墨玉中,或呈星点状集合体状,在白玉中呈现黑色星点,或云雾状条带状黑纹等,其它玉石一般没有此情况。
云雾: cloud and mist; mist状: form; shape云雾状的: clouded; cloudy; nebula-like; nebulous云雾状态: cloud behavior云;云雾状;浑浊;暗影;水垢;污斑: cloud雾状: haze; vapourousvss云雾: cloud and mist; mist 拨开云雾见青天 scatter the clouds and see the blue sky; 山顶隐没在云雾之中。 the summit of the mountain is lost in the cloud and mist.; 云雾天 soupy weather成雾状: nebulize呈雾状: cloudiness雾状(云): nebulosus雾状层: nepheloid layer雾状的: vaporous; vapourific; vapourous雾状地: vapourously雾状流: dispersed flow; mist flow雾状霾: fog-like haze云雾白: venato云雾茶: cloud mist云雾大: heavy fog thick fog云雾岛: unmu do; unmu-do云雾化: clouding云雾林: cloud forest; mist forest云雾七: girald larkspur root云雾山: yunwu shan云雾室: cloud chamber; fog chamber云雾术: fog cloud