云: say纹: lines; veins; grain叶枯病: leaf blight条纹叶枯病: brown stripe; rice stripe virus稻条纹叶枯病: rice stripe水稻条纹叶枯病: stripe disease of rice plant; stripe virus of rice水稻条纹叶枯病毒: oryza virus 3玉米条纹叶枯病毒: mstv白叶枯病: bacterial blight; bacterial leaf spot; rice bacterial leaf blight茶叶枯病: brown blight of tea; copper blight of tea赤叶枯病: brown blight; cooper blight; cooperblight稻白叶枯病: bacterial blight of rice; rice bacterial leaf blight稻条叶枯病: cercospora leaf spot of rice; cercosporaleafspotofrice胡桃叶枯病: marssonina leaf spot of walnut薯蓣叶枯病: anthracnose of chinese yam小麦叶枯病: specked leaf blotch of wheat鸭茅叶枯病: purple brown blotch of orchard grass早期叶枯病: early leaf blight苜蓿叶枯病: stemphylium leaf spot of alfalfa; target spot of alfalfa稻白叶枯病 水稻白叶枯病: bacterialblightofrice稻褐色叶枯病: brown leaf ot of rice; brown leaf spot of rice稻胡麻叶枯病: helmintho orium leaf ot of rice; helminthosporium leaf spot of rice水稻白叶枯病: bacterial blight of rice粟胡麻叶枯病: helmintho orium leaf ot of italian millet; helminthosporium leaf spot of italian millet水稻条纹叶枯簿: oryza virus 3