

发音:   "亏"的汉语解释   用"亏"造句
  • Ⅰ动词
    1.(受损失; 亏折) lose (money, etc.); have a deficit 短语和例子
    2.(欠缺; 短少) be short of; be deficient; lack 短语和例子
    3.(使吃亏; 辜负) treat unfairly 短语和例子
    1.(多亏; 幸亏) fortunately; luckily; thanks to 短语和例子
    2.(反说, 表示讥讽) 短语和例子
    (月蚀初亏) (of the moon) wane
  • 亏1表示法:    diminished one representation
  • 亏;变谢衰落;月亏;衰退:    wane
  • 况钟:    kuang zhong
  • 况现:    encashment
  • 亏本:    lose money in business; lose one's capital; at a loss; suffer a deficit 亏本卖出 sell one's hens on a rainy day; 亏本生意 a losing proposition; 听说他做生意亏本了。 i hear that he is losing by his business.; 亏本接受订货 accepting at sacrifice; 亏本企业 loss-making enterprise


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. He was handicapped by his short stature .
  2. If you attempt it , it will cost you dear ...
  3. Do n't worry . we won't be unfair to you .
  4. She saw that he had lost all round .
  5. You were depending on me to bring you out of it .


        亏1表示法:    diminished one representation
        亏;变谢衰落;月亏;衰退:    wane
        况钟:    kuang zhong
        况现:    encashment
        亏本:    lose money in business; lose one's capital; at a loss; suffer a deficit 亏本卖出 sell one's hens on a rainy day; 亏本生意 a losing proposition; 听说他做生意亏本了。 i hear that he is losing by his business.; 亏本接受订货 accepting at sacrifice; 亏本企业 loss-making enterprise
        况味:    [书面语] circumstances and sentiment
        亏本 蚀本:    losscapital
        况天佑:    sayonara
        亏本,损失:    loss
        况特设全体委员会:    the implementation of the charter of


        亏的法语:名 pertes;déficit盈~profits et pertes. 动 1.faire défaut;manquer de理~avoir tort 2.traiter qn de manière injuste(ou : déloyale,partiale)你放心吧,~不了你.ne t'inquière pas,tu auras ta propre part. 3.par bonheur;h...
        亏的日语:(1)損をする. 这次亏了/こんどは損をした. 把老本儿 lǎoběnr 亏了/元手まで損した. 你亏了多少?/いくら損をしたのか. (2)欠ける.不足する. 亏血 xuè /貧血(を起こす). 功亏一篑 kuì /九仞[きゅうじん]の功を一簣[いっき]に欠く.成功の一歩手前まで来ながら失敗する. 他自知理亏,就一声不吭 kēng 了/彼は自分が道理に欠けているのを知って黙り込んでしまった. 身大...
        亏的韩语:(1)[형용사] 부족하다. 모자라다. 理亏; 이치에 맞지 않다 身大力不亏; 체격도 크고 힘도 모자라지 않다 还亏一半; 아직 절반이 부족하다 (2)[동사] 줄다. 기울다. 이울다. 月满则亏, 水满则溢; 【속담】 달도 차면 기울고 물도 차면 넘친다 (3)[명사][동사] 손해(보다). 盈亏; ⓐ 손익 ⓑ 차고 이지러짐 亏有一万多块钱; 손해가 만여 ...
        亏的俄语:= 亏
        亏什么意思:(虧) kuī ㄎㄨㄟˉ 1)缺损:~本。 2)对不起:~不了你。 3)幸而:多~你提醒我。 4)表示讥讽:~你做得出来。 ·参考词汇: deficient have a deficit lose luckily short treat unfairly ·参考词汇: 盈 自负盈亏 亏蚀 大败亏输 功亏一篑 亏产 亏空 亏欠 得亏 理亏 亏短 血亏...


  1. "况特设全体委员会"英文
  2. "况天佑"英文
  3. "况味"英文
  4. "况现"英文
  5. "况钟"英文
  6. "亏1表示法"英文
  7. "亏;变谢衰落;月亏;衰退"英文
  8. "亏本"英文
  9. "亏本 蚀本"英文
  10. "亏本,损失"英文


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