You were assistant editor on episode ii 你是《星球大战》第二部的助理编剧
What among other data did the second volume of the work in question contain 在这部著作第二部的其他事项中,还包括些什么内容?
The second part of the worm behaves in the same way as the first part , except it drops another file to the windows system directory - " outlook . vbs " - and executes it 第二部的部份的蠕虫会同第一部份的破坏方式大致相同,但它会在windows的系统目录遗下另一个档案" outlook . vbs "和执行它。
二: two部: part; section; division; reg ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...分成二部的: distichate分二部的: dimerous二部: bipartite graph; nibu; niibe; two part月球基地内部的毁灭(第二部分): destruction of the inner moon (part Ⅱ)部的: ministerial第二部: intial_d_second_stage; partes secunda二部曲: episode two; guild wars factions二部图: bigraph; bipartite graph二部舞: bal a deux二部制: two-shift system; two part-time shifts◇二部制学校 school with two part-time shifts; two-shift school十二部: twelve divisions二部图 二部图形: bigraphbipartitegraph等第二部分: therefore thus as a result another reason第二部分: empire part ii; part two; section b; the second part; tuning第二部分积: second partial product第二部份: the lost room part 2二部冠, 分离冠: two-piece crown二部合唱: chorus for two parts二部教学: double-session studies二部拟阵: bipartite matroid二部曲,二重奏: duo二部实验: two-part experiment