Based on the revealed relationship between the secretary structures and substances , the secretary tissues of hypericum are classified into 2 main types : type i is the tissue that secretes and stores such dianthrone compounds as hypericin . this a group of secretary cells , forming into black glands . type ii is the tissue that secretes and stores essential oils 进行了金丝桃属药用植物分泌组织的系统研究,揭示出其分泌结构与分泌物质的关系,并在此基础上提出了该属药用植物分泌组织主要类型的划分:一类是分泌和贮存二蒽酮金丝桃素类化合物的组织,多为分泌细胞组成的细胞团,形成黑色腺体;另一类是分泌和贮存挥发油类成分的组织,是裂生性的分泌腔或分泌道,常形成半透明腺体。