Article 32 the awards include : citation for meritorious deeds , merit citation class iii , merit citation class ii , merit citation class i , and a title of honour 第三十二条奖励分为:嘉奖,记三等功、二等功、一等功,授予荣誉称号。
Article 29 the awards include : citation for meritorious deeds , merit citation class iii , merit citation class ii , merit citation class i , and a title of honour 第二十九条奖励分为:嘉奖,记三等功、二等功、一等功,授予荣誉称号。
Attractors among the government functionaries of this region shall be conferred an honorary title , first - third merit citations and commendation 对我区公务人员引资者,分别授予荣誉称号、记一等功、记二等功、记三等功和嘉奖等奖励。
One of the students enlisted in 1983 , special - class pilot of the air force , won the second - grade merit once and was awarded the honorary title of “ model pilot ” and “ meritorious pilot ” of the gold medal 崔文戈八三期学员,空军特级飞行员,荣立二等功一次,被空军授予“模范飞行员”荣誉称号和“功勋飞行员”金质奖章。
Another heartening news is that more than 300 civilian - university - graduate - turned officers have been chosen as pacesetters in military training and other fields , 45 of these officers have won the second class merit citations and 760 the third 令他们振奋的信息还有, 5年来先后有300多名地方大学生干部被评为军事训练等各类标兵, 45人荣立二等功, 760人荣立三等功。
二等: second-class; second-rate功: exploit; merit; meritorious ...立二等功: win a second class merit荣立集体二等功: gain a collecitve award of merit second class等功: equiponderance二等: second-class; second-rate 二等残废军人 the second-class disabled soldier; 乘二等车旅行 travel (in) second class; 二等兵 private; 二等舱 second-class cabin; 二等功 merit citation classⅡ; second-class merit; 二等奖 second prize; 二等奖学金 minor award; 二等秘书 second secretary (外交人员); 二等品 goods of the second quality; seconds; 二等研究员 by-fellow三等功: third-class merits一等功: first-class merit二等, 二流: second class二等兵: able seaman; airman second class; leading aircraftman; marine second class; private (rank); seaman second class二等舱: cabin class; second cabin; second-cla stateroom (cabin); second-cla tateroom(cabin); second-class cabin; second-class stateroom (cabin)二等的: second class; second rate; second-class; second-rate二等地: mediocre二等点: secondary point; secondary station二等分: bisection; biset; halve二等份: halve二等奖: the second prize二等角: dimetric angle二等票: second class ticket二等品: second quality product; second rate goods; seconds以二等: second-class大脑等功性: brain equipotentialit等功率传动: even flowing power等功率的: equipower等功率线: equipower line