二: two氧化: oxidize; oxidate; oxide; bur ...铀: uranium芯: core块: piece; lump; chunk水分含量: moisture; humidity测定: determine; determination; se ...方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...二氧化铀芯块水蒸气腐蚀试验方法: steam corrosion testing of uranium dioxide pellets二氧化铀芯块中碳的测定: uranium dioxide pellet determination of carbonn聚醚多元醇中水分含量测定方法: polyether polyols-determination of water content二氧化铀芯块中总氢的测定: uranium dioxide pellet determination of total hydrogenn水分含量测定: determination of moisture淀粉及其衍生物二氧化硫含量测定方法: method for determination of sulfur dioxide content in starches and derived products烧结二氧化铀芯块技术条件: specification for sintered uranium dioxide pellets炭素材料灰分含量测定方法: carbon materials-determination of the ash content微波水分含量测定仪: microwave absorption moisture gage固体含量测定方法: unsaturated polyester resindetermination of solid contentnt蔬菜产品中干物质和水分含量的测定方法: method for determination of dry matter and water content in fruit and vegetable products聚乙烯醇树脂氢氧化钠含量测定方法: determination for sodium hydroxide contents of polyvinyl alcohol resins灰分含量测定: ash content test二氧化铀燃料芯块: uranium dioxide pellet中低分子物含量测定方法: method for determination of low molecular weight compounds content in polyamide水分含量的测定: test methods of wooden activated carbondetermination of moisture contentnt高水分含量: high moisture content