二十: twenty岁: year恋: love; be enamoured of二十岁之微热: a touch of fever二十岁的微热: a touch of fever; hatachi no binetsu二十岁女孩vs三十岁女人: twenty-something grils vs. thirty-something women二十岁男孩的诱惑: valley of the twenty-something guys我二十岁来这儿: i came here when i was我还不到二十岁: i am not quite about twenty大他二十岁的卡丽儿: delia de carril二十岁的美人, 妙龄美女: sweet and twenty二十岁以上的中间组: intermediate他才二十岁还没有成家: he's not married yet he's only twenty她的二十岁的新欢杰米: jamie burke我妹妹还不到二十岁: my sister is not quite about twenty十岁: ten之恋: boy; girl; ktv二岁之野猪: xurha万岁之国报: amar desh八十岁: eighty; fourscore; octogenarian差十岁: hl六十岁: sixty; threescore七十岁: seventy三十岁: thirty四十岁: forty