二: two式: type; style的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...对生的;二列式的: distichous二列式皮层: diplostichous cortex具二列式皮层的: doubling corticated; doubly corticated单列式的: haplostichous行列式的阶: order of a determinant; order of determinant行列式的秩: rank of determinant雁列式的: en echelon; enechelon一列式的: in line; inline直列式的: in line; inline行列式的求值: evaluation of determinants行列式的梯度: gradient of determinant行列式的展开: expansion of a determinant行列式的对角线: diagonal of a determinant行列式的共轭元: conjugate elements of a determinant行列式的余子式: cofactor of a determinant线性形式的系数行列式: determinant of the coefficients of a linear form行列式的拉普拉斯展开: laplacescher entwicklungssatz laplace expansion of a determinant列式: alignment attribute; inline第二列: secondary series二列的: bifarious; biseriate; distichate; distichous二列地: distichously二列法: two column method