Adapts a binary predicate interface to a unary one 仿函数)将一个二元谓词接口适配为一元接口。
In order to make your binary predicate functional , you must enclose it in an object ; you will do this by 为了使二元谓词发挥作用,必须将它封装到一个对象中,通过
Functor can be thought of as a unary predicate with a single argument : it internally evaluates the wrapped binary predicate with two copies of the same argument 仿函数可以认为是一个带有一个参数的一元谓词:它在内部用同一个参数的两个副本计算包装的二元谓词。
To check whether the list price of the concerned item is greater than or equal to a specific value - 100 in the case of category " a " items and 200 in the case of category " b " items (用于检查所述商品的定价是否大于或者等于指定值,对于category “ a ”商品是100 ,对于category “ b ”商品是200 )的内置二元谓词仿函数。