The first dose is administered at birth in the hospital , while the second and third doses are given in maternal child health centres 第一次在婴儿出生时在医院注射,第二三次则在母婴健康院注射。
He was charming . whether he kept a watch over himself , or whether by accident he did not sound the acrimonious chords that in other circumstances had been touched , he was to - night like everybody else 不知道他究竟是勉强克制着他自己呢,还是时机尚未到来,唤醒已经有二三次在他感伤的谈话中反映出来的刻薄的禀赋,总之,他的神态非常安闲。
二: two三次: triple; ter-; tri-二三: fumi; futami; jisan; jizo; matakazu; nisan; nizan; nizo三次: triple; ter-; tri-◇三次方程(式) cubic equation不二三: fujisan二二三: ddt; dichloro diphenyl trchloro ethane; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; dichloroformoxime; neocid二三夫: fumio二三郎: nisaburo二三男: fumio二三三: dicophane二三事: jane's hut二三丸: fumimaru二三味: nizami二三雄: fumio九二三: kunizo一二三: e00j; hifumi; hihomi; hiomi; ijimi; isami; knitting knitting one two three; utakane; utakata; utatane八二三炮战: second taiwan strait crisis八二三战役: second taiwan strait crisis第二三方柱: trigonal of the second order第二三方锥: trigonal pyramid of the second order二二三中毒: ddt poisoning二三成群: by twos and threes二三分熟: rare二三其德: have two minds; be in [of] two minds (about sth.); change one's mind constantly; double-minded; half-hearted; undecided二三线股: nbsp; second and third liner