

  • cushion in advance
  • 事先:    in advance; beforehand; prio ...
  • 缓冲:    buffer; cushion; slow down a ...
  • 事先:    in advance; beforehand; prior 事先策划的暗杀 a premeditated murder; 事先磋商 prior consultations; exchange of views in advance; 事先做好准备 get everything ready beforehand; 一切都是事先确定好了的。 everything has been fixed in advance
  • 事先,预先:    in advance
  • 事先的:    prior


        事先:    in advance; beforehand; prio ...
        缓冲:    buffer; cushion; slow down a ...
        事先:    in advance; beforehand; prior 事先策划的暗杀 a premeditated murder; 事先磋商 prior consultations; exchange of views in advance; 事先做好准备 get everything ready beforehand; 一切都是事先确定好了的。 everything has been fixed in advance
        事先,预先:    in advance
        事先的:    prior
        事先甸:    pilot survey
        先;事先:    in advance
        预告,事先:    in advance (before in time); in advance(before in time)
        预先, 事先:    by anticipation
        预先,事先:    in advance; inadvance
        缓冲:    buffer; cushion; slow down attack; buff; dampen; damping; amortize; redeem; redemption; shock mitigation 扮演东西方阵营之间的缓冲国角色 act as buffers between the western and the eastern camps; 弹性缓冲 elastic buffer; 矮树丛缓冲了我的下跌。 the bush acted as a cushion to my fall.; 缓冲地带 buffer territory; buffer zone; nentral zone; 缓冲垫 blotter; bumper; 缓冲剂 [化学] buffer; 缓冲空间 cushion space; 缓冲区 buffer zone; buffer area; 缓冲作用 buffer action; buffering; cushioning; buffer function; buffer effect; cushioning action; deadening effect; cushioning effect
        纪事先驱:    chronicle and herald
        纪事先驱报:    chronicle herald; chronicle-herald; record herald
        谨事先致谢:    thank you in anticipation
        事先,预先,提前:    in advance
        事先安排:    cut and dry 你参与决策, 但实际上他们已早事先安排好了。 you're taking part in the decisions, but it's all cut and dried
        事先安排的:    pre-arranged
        事先包装:    prepackage
        事先编辑:    preediting
        事先参与:    prior commitment
        事先查看:    preview
        事先偿付:    ex ante payoff
        事先承兑:    preacceptance
        事先磋商:    preliminary consultation; prior consultation
        事先的同意:    prior consent


  1. "事先定义"英文
  2. "事先防止损失"英文
  3. "事先给某人详细介绍或指示"英文
  4. "事先给人警告"英文
  5. "事先估计值"英文
  6. "事先计划"英文
  7. "事先加以推测"英文
  8. "事先警告"英文
  9. "事先决定成败, 使用灌铅骰子"英文
  10. "事先考虑"英文


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