Occurrence of various types of events ( e . g . , database transitions , time events , and external signals ) triggers the evaluation of a condition and if the condition evaluates to true , the action is carried out 主动数据库管理系统能主动对事件作出反应,支持事件-条件-动作( eca )规则,各种事件(如数据库状态转变、时间事件、外部信号)引发对相应条件的检测,若条件为真,便执行相应动作。
事件: event; incident条件: condition; term; factor动作: movement; motion; action条件性事件: conditional event条件事件记录: condition incident log; condition-incident log条件事件系统: condition event system; condition-event system条件-动作对偶表: list of condition-action pairs鼠标事件的触发条件: ons事件: s event事件: event; incident; événement 边境事件 border incident; 国际事件 international events; 意外事件 contingent event; 政治事件 political events; 是哪些关键性事件影响了1979年的能源状况? what key events influenced the energy situation in 1979事件处理程式,当按钮释放时发生动作: button.onrelease事件处理程序,当按钮释放时发生动作: button.onrelease动作: 1.(全身或身体的一部分的活动) movement; motion; action 动作缓慢 slow in one's movement; 优美的舞蹈动作 graceful dance movement; 仔细瞧我的动作! watch my motion carefully.2.(活动; 行动起来) act; start moving 仔细想过后再动作。 think it over carefully before you act. 且看他下一步如何动作。 let's see how he acts next.3.(机动行为; 操作) manoeuvre; actuation; action; motion; act; locomotion; event; agency; activity; operation; behaviour 飞机的一种特技动作 an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane条件: 1.(客观的因素) condition; term; factor 工作条件 working conditions; 生活条件 living conditions; 贸易条件 terms of trade; 自然条件 natural conditions; 利用有利条件 make use of the favourable factors; 根据自己的条件做某事 do sth. on one's own terms; 在这[那]种条件下 on this [that] condition; 在目前条件下 under present circumstances; 有条件要上, 没有条件, 创造条件也要上。 when the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don't exist, then create them and go ahead.2.(提出的要求) requirement; prerequisite; qualification 共产党员的条件 the requirements of the party members; 提出条件 put forward the requirement; list the prerequisites; 有条件地同意 agree with qualifications; 符合入学条件 satisfy the entrance requirement; 如果三项先决条件得不到满足, 他们就拒绝谈判。 they refused to negotiate unless three preliminary requirements were met. 耐心是教学必备的条件。 patience is a requirement in teaching.; 条件刺激 conditioned stimulus; 条件反射 conditioned response; conditioned reflex; 条件反应 [动物学] conditioned response (cr); 条件句 [语言学] conditional clause动作接动作: cutting on action快动作,闪动作: snaaction; snapaction226事件: february 26 incident228事件: 228 incidentexpiry事件: expiry eventsars事件: progress of the sars outbreakxyz事件: xyz affair“外交”事件: a foreign affair(行话)事件: event表事件: list event补事件: complement of an event