- apple of discord
- 争端: dispute; conflict; controver ...
- 起因: cause; origin; as a result o ...
- 起因: cause; origin; as a result of 起因于一件小事 arise from a mere trifle; 事故的起因 the cause of the accident; 争执的起因 origin of the dispute; 地震是房屋倒塌的起因。 the earthquake was the occasion of the building's collapse. 这场火灾起因可疑。 the fire is of suspicious origin
- 国际生活中争端和紧张局势的新的起因: new sources of disputes and tension in international life
- 争端: dispute; conflict; controversial issue; a bone of contention; a bone [crow] to pick 边界争端 a border dispute; 国际争端 an international dispute; 解决争端 settle a dispute; 挑起争端 provoke a controversy; 争端当事国 parties to a dispute