争取: strive for; fight for; endea ...集体: collective; community; group ...贡献: contribute; dedicate; devote ...和: mix; blend权利平等: with equal right体育组织: sports organization体育组织: sports organisations; sports organization单项体育组织: the international federations泛美体育组织: odepa; pan american sports organization; pan-american sports organization; paso伊朗体育组织: iranian physical education organization南美洲体育组织: organisation des sports sud-américains塞浦路斯体育组织: cyprus sports organization体育组织的办事处: front office体育组织委员会: sports organizing committee国际妇女权利平等责任平等联盟: international alliance of women - equal rights equal responsibilities国际妇女权利平等责任平等同盟: international alliance of women equal rights equal responsibilities; international alliance of women-equal rights equal responsibilities; international alliance of women-equal rights, equal responsibilities体育组: p.e. office; physical education section大众体育组织协调委员会: icsa各国体育组织国际大会: ianos; international assembly of national organizations of sport国际伤残人体育组织: international sports organization for the disabled; isod苏格兰体育组织者协会: aopes员工理解他们的贡献和任务对组织的重要性: people understanding the importance of their contribution and role in the organization参与争取少数民族平等权利的运动: crusading for fairer treatment of minorities体育组长: chief of physical education体育组库房: storage physical education section storage physical training section