买: buy; purchase; ask for; get药: medicine; drug; remedy购买药品: buying pharmaceuticals crystal&glassware买药、看医生: being ill按药方买药,抓药: fill prescription可以用来买药: it can buy a medicine; it can buy you medicine自买药物,非处方药物: not prescribed drug; over the counter drug; over the counterdrug拿着这个药方去药房买药: take this prescription to a pharmacy and buy medicine自买药物,非经医生开方的药物,非处方药物: over-the-counterdrug买羊颈肉: buy a scragend of muttonn买野网店: my yeah买许多东西: buy a lot of things买叶: purchasing mulberry leaves买凶杀人: maai hung paak yan; you shoot, i shoot买一本正确照顾鸟的书: get a book about the right way to look after birds买凶拍人: maai hung paak yan; you shoot i shoot; you shoot,i shoot买一次货: make a buy买新鞋子: buying new shoes