买: buy; purchase; ask for; get书: write买书: buying books读书热: learning rush化钱买书: spend money on books可以用来买书: it can buy a book; it can buy you a book在大学书店里买书: buying books in the university bookshop你怎能一走了之买书: how can you just walk away from me,她花了很多钱来买书。: she spent a lot of money on books买斯纳振荡器: meissner oscillator买他们: buy them买受人: buyer买台电脑来用: buying a computer for use买受公司: acquiring company买通: bribe; buy over; buy off 买通一些议员 buy off some members of the house; 用贿赂买通某人 buy a person off by bribery买手机: only for listen music买手表: purchasing a watch