书面: written; in written form; in ...合同: agreement; contract书面合伙协议: written partnershiagreement单方面合同: unilateral contract平面合同: horizontal trust书面要式合同: speciality contract书面证明的合同: contract evidenced by a writing书面: written; in written form; in writing 他给了我书面保证。 he gave me assurance in black and white.; 书面报告 reading report; 书面裁决 written decision; 书面材料 written material; 书面陈述 recitation; 书面答复 written reply; answer in writing; 书面合同 written contract; 书面控告 written accusation; 书面判决 written judgement; 书面契约 written agreement; written contract; 书面声明 written statement [declaration]; 书面通知 written notice; 书面语 written language; literary language; 书面证据 documentary evidence; 书面纸 cover paper劳动合同由职工个人同企业以书面形式订立: labor contracts are concluded in written form between individual employee and the ffes表面合伙人: a arent partner; apparent partner表面合金化: surface alloying负面合法性: negative legitimacy冠面合金: contour alloy画面合成: picture composition画面合成法: picture process界面合成: interfacial synthesis全面合并: fullconsolidation全面合伙: societas universorum bonorum全面合作: all-round cooperation; comprehensive co-operation; overall cooperation双平面合器: biplanar coupler硬面合金: hard facing alloy桌面合成: desktocomposition合同: agreement; contract 购货合同 purchase contract; 互惠合同 reciprocal contract; 签订合同 sign a contract; 售货合同 sales contract; 撕毁合同 tear up a contract; 合同采购 contract purchasing; 合同承包 job contracting; 合同单位 contract unit; 合同法 contract law; 合同方式 form of treaty; 合同工资 contract wages; 合同惯例 contractual usage; contractual practice; 合同货币 contract currency; 合同货品 contract goods; 合同价格 contract price; 合同纠纷 contract dispute; 合同内容 treaty content; 合同期 contracted period; contract date; 合同期满 contract expires; on the expiration of the contract; expiration of the contract period; 合同期限 contract period; 合同日期 contract date; 合同生效 execution of contract; 合同条款 contract terms; contract clause; terms of contract; treaty articles; a given organization or area go for treatment); 合同义务 specific performance; 合同有效期间 duration of contract; 合同责任 contracted responsibility; 合同制 contract system; 合同终止 termination of contract; 合同转让 assignment of a contract布书面: [印刷] clothback书面布: binding muslin; book binding cloth; book cloth; bookbinders' cloth; publisher's cloth