书籍: books; works; literature是: Semantics人类进步: human progress的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...阶梯: a flight of stairs; ladder; ...人类社会总是不断进步的: human society makes unceasing progress进步的: advanced; ascensive; enlightened; forward; leftwing; onward; poverty; progressional; progressive阿里亚斯和平和人类进步基金会: arias foundation for peace and human阿里亚斯和平与人类进步基金会: arias foundation for peace and human progress人类进化: human evolution人类进化史: a species' odyssey诡异的阶梯: strange stairs进身的阶梯: ladder门口的阶梯: doorstep天国的阶梯: stairway to heaven天堂的阶梯: stairway to heaven书籍是精神食粮: books are food for the mind人类进化杂志: journal of human evolution进步的标志: sign of progress进步的过程: the march of progress/events/time进步的适应: progressive adaptation墙两边的阶梯: stile人类进化的途程: the course of evolution of mankind几乎都是人类: forsaken almost human这是人类之歌: this is the song of every man