书: write的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...内容: content; substance里: in; inside报纸的内容里: in the middle of in the moonlight in the newspaper存货的内容: content of inventory法的内容: contexts of law合同的内容: the particulars of a contract祈祷的内容: elements of prayer契约的内容: contentsofacontract权力的内容: p22-p25妄想的内容: delusional content信的内容: in the front row in the lab in the letter预测的内容: content of forecast擦除帧的内容: erase frames返回栈的内容: return stack contents该证据的内容: substance of that evidence工艺单的内容: contents of a working sheet可断定的内容: assertible content求职信的内容: contents of application letters头文件的内容: content of header file有丰富的内容: have substantial content转出把的内容: rollout标准文件的内容: content of normative document不强调说的内容: note: talk