乡镇: villages and towns trading c ...卫生院: public health centre; commun ...乡镇卫生: community health卫生院: health center卫生院, 卫生所: health-center公社卫生院: commune health center农村卫生院: rural hospital县卫生院: county health center; county health station乡卫生院: thc公社卫生院,公社保健: commune health station嘉兴城南卫生院: jiaxingsouth health center美国国家卫生院: national institutes of health生院: losheng sanatorium乡镇: 1.(乡和镇) villages and towns2.(小市镇) small towns◇乡镇企业 town and township enterprise; township business [enterprise]; enterprise in the rural area; rural enterprise; rural industrial enterprise民生院: munsang college良乡镇: liangxiangzhen三乡镇: sanxiang town乡镇长: chief executive, township government; chiefexecutive,townshipgovernment乡镇级: townshilevel小乡镇: podunk商博士生院: doctorat hec研究生院: graduate school; postgraduate academy; postgraduate research institute快乐的乡镇: the happy town land乡镇财政: village and town finance乡镇大劫案: bank attack