也: also; too; as well; either; ...可以: can; may阻挡: stop; stem; resist; obstruct进攻: attack; assault; offensive在: exist; be living哨: sentry post; post声响: sound; noise起: rise; get up; stand up然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际: and i can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle哨声响起: whistle在下一次琴声响起之前: before the next tweedle dum铃声响起: ringing铃声响起来: go off to ring or sound loudly掌声响起: a singer's applause; applause sounds; clapping up掌声响起来: applause钟声响起: for whom the bell tolls也可以: could have; might as well谢幕的掌声响起,: and my curtain calls远方有钟声响起: a bell is ringing far away男人也可以: men too can你也可以说: she is making a pass at you也可以按: esc也可以不加: qts. pts也可以称作: aka also known as也可以说: congee; hold maintain insist that; put on some more clothes. it's freezing outside