乙: the second of the ten Heaven ...未: did not; have not平: flat; level; even; smooth乙未战争: japanese invasion of taiwan未平仓: oi; uncovered position; unsettled position姚未平: weiping yao未平仓的: unrealized未平仓合约: open contracts; open interest未平仓交易: open position未平差的: unadjusted未平差的;失调: out of adjustment未平复的心: un-calmed heart; unsettled heart未平衡力: untrimmed force未平滑数据: unsmoothed data未平息的: unsettlement余忿未平: anger not yet appeased暴风雨仍未平息: the storm keeps on twisting大额未平仓合约: large open position未平仓合约净额: net open position未平仓合约数量: open interest未平仓权益承诺: commitment of open interest一波未平,一波又起: One event succeeds another.A new wave arises when the previous one has barely subsided.Before one squabble is over,the next one crops up.Hardly has one wave subsided when another rises.Misfortunes never come singly.One trouble follows another.一波未平一波又起: one event succeeds another这场纠纷余波未平: there are still repercussions空盘量,未平仓量,未结清权益: open interest(oint); open interest(op.int)