

  • check-in facilities


        乘机:    seize the opportunity
        登记:    register; check in; enter on ...
        设施:    installation; facilities
        乘机登记:    check in
        乘机登记处:    check-in counter; check-in point
        乘机登记时间:    check-in time
        团体乘机登记:    group check-in
        乘机登记截止时间:    check-in time deadline
        登记设备:    registration equipment
        飞机登记:    aircraft registry
        击落飞机登记簿:    bird book
        离境飞机登记板:    departure board
        乘机:    seize the opportunity 乘机反攻 seize the opportunity to counterattack; 乘机报复 exploit the situation to take revenge; 乘机捣乱 seize the opportunity to create disturbances; seize every opportunity [chance] to make trouble; 乘机而入 avail oneself of the opportunity to get in; 乘机而为 take the occasion to do sth.; 乘机翻案 take the opportunity to whitewash; 乘机开口 take the occasion to speak; 乘机侵入 seize the opportunity to worm one's way into; 乘机脱逃 take a chance to escape; 乘机行事 act as soon as an opportunity offers itself; make hay while the sun shines.; 乘机造谣 seize the opportunity to spread rumors
        设施登记注销:    facility registration cancellation
        标记设备:    marking equipment
        自记设备:    recording equipment
        污水处理设施操作者登记:    registration of wastewater treatment facilities operators
        乘机地:    which airport did you board this flight or ship
        乘机梯:    sky ramp
        登记:    register; check in; enter one's name 结婚登记 marriage registration; 登记入册 be registered on the books; 在旅馆登记住宿 check in at a hotel; 在学校注册簿上登记姓名 enter names in the register of the school; 该俱乐部正式登记的成员有多少? how many members have officially registered in the club?; 登记标志 [工业] register mark; 登记标准 listing standard; 登记表(册) enrollment; 登记簿 register; accession; accession book; 登记处 registration [registry] office; 登记法 registration law; 登记费 registration fee; 登记公债 registered bond; 登记股东 stockholder of record; 登记柜 a chench-in counter; 登记会计师 certified public accountant; 登记机 tell-table; 登记码 poll code; 登记宽度 [船舶工程] register breadth; 登记人 registrant; 登记日期 date of registration; 登记商标 trademark; 登记税 registration tax; 登记通讯表 polling list; 登记证 registration; 登记证明书 certificate of ownership [registration]
        乘机报复:    exploit the situation to take revenge
        乘机车者:    motorcyclist
        乘机捣乱:    seize the opportunity to create disturbances
        乘机而入:    avail oneself of the opportunity to get in
        乘机而为:    take the occasion to do sth


  1. "乘机出售特别廉价的商品"英文
  2. "乘机捣乱"英文
  3. "乘机登记"英文
  4. "乘机登记处"英文
  5. "乘机登记截止时间"英文
  6. "乘机登记时间"英文
  7. "乘机地"英文
  8. "乘机而入"英文
  9. "乘机而为"英文
  10. "乘机翻案"英文


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