The boy had, with the additional softening claim of a lingering illness of his mother's, been the means of a sort of reconciliation . 这孩子因母亲久病不愈颇引人怜,已经成为一种重修旧好的阶梯了。
Her face looked wan after her long illness 她久病后,她的脸色看起来病恹恹的。
Three experiential cases of prolonged iuness enters into venation 久病入络验案三则
You must take into account the boy ' s long illness 你必须考虑这男孩久病不愈的情况。
久病, 久病病例: long-standing case长久病程: protracted course久病病例: long-standing case久病不起的: bedrid久病不愈: long-standing malady; prolonged diseases久病成良医: prolonged illness makes a doctor of a patient.; an old proacher makes the best keeper.; long illness makes the patient a (good) doctor久病初瘥: have just recovered from a long illness久病的一生: a life of invalidism久病干咳: dry cough inthe case of a prologed illness久病耗伤: impairment of prolonged illness久病患者: patients of long duration of the disease久病及肾: chronic disease involving kidney; prolonged disease involving kidney久病伤阳: chronic damage of yang; impairment of yang due to prolonged illness久病衰弱: valetudinarianism久病衰弱的: valetudinary久病体弱: izem 9izemm久病无孝子: a constant guest is never welcome.; no filial son could be found by the bedside of a parent of long illness长期病人,久病者: patients on long-term久病之后休养: recuperate after a long illness他久病不治身亡: he died after a long disease; he died after a long illness久病病例,多年病例,老病号: long-standing cases如果你不知道要多久病患: if you wonder how long ill be faithfull有病的;病人;久病衰弱(者)的: invalid久兵卫: kyubee; kyubei久兵: hisahei久宾斯基: dzyubinski; dzyubinsky
久病的日语:長い間病気をする.長患い. 久病无孝子 xiàozǐ /長く病気をすれば親孝行の息子にまでいやがられる.久病的韩语:(1)[명사] 오랜 병. 久病初愈; 오래된 병이 갓 낫다 (2)[동사] 오래 앓다. 久病成医; 오랫동안 병을 앓으면 의사가 된다[병에 대해 환히 알게 된다] =久病成良医久病的俄语:pinyin:jiǔbìng затянувшаяся (затяжная) болезнь久病什么意思:jiǔbìng [prolonged illness] 长期患病 久病不起