The experimental research on medical effect of jiuxiening 久泻宁的药效学实验研究
One case of infantile chronic diarrhea treated with guizhi decoction 桂枝汤治小儿久泻1例
Often use in cold and deficient type of diarrhea , abdominal pain and flatulence , cold extremities , incontrollable diarrhea , lack of appetite and vomiting , weak digestion , vomiting and diarrhea due to parasites in children 用于虚寒久泻不止?脘腹冷痛?气滞胀痛?脾胃虚寒?手足厥冷?滑泄不禁?食少呕吐?消化不良?小儿乳积吐泻等。