故乡: native place; hometown; birt ...别故乡: train from home故乡: native place; hometown; birthplace; birthland离别故土: part from one's native shore离别故园: part from home district久别的人: long time no see久别情深: absence makes the heart grow fonder 久别情疏: out of sight, out of mind久别重逢: meet sb. after being apart a long time; be reunited with one's family after a long absence; meet again after a long separation; reunite with sb. after a long absence; reunite with sb. after a long separation; see sb. after a long separation艾故乡: home in the sea故乡,家乡。: hometown故乡情: going home; homeland feeling; hometown affection; miss hometown; nostalgia; sentiment of hometown故乡人: ihojin回故乡: return to one思故乡: remembering home在故乡: in the homeland久别重逢互诉衷情: meeting again after a long separation they opened their hearts to each other白云故乡: my motherland传说的故乡: hometown of legend从故乡出发: start from hometown大海啊故乡: the ocean is my hometown大海艾故乡: home in the sea低头思故乡: so bright a gleam on the foot of my bed返去故乡: back to hometown烽火故乡: fiery village