

发音:   用"主观感觉"造句
  • subject feeling
  • subjective feelings
  • subjective impression
  • subjective sensation


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The analysis result shows that the fuzzy image measurement presented in this dissertation is comparatively a somewhat better image measurement . we may have some tries to use it in some fields
  2. There are some differences between air conditioning rooms and natural ventilation ones ; the same situation exists with their thermal comfort requirements . the paper , aiming for thermal environment characters of residential buildings in cold zone , in the first times by means of fuzzy evaluation , puts forward a fuzzy evaluating model of the thermal feelings in a natural ventilation room of residential houses , which is mainly based on studies of the subjective feelings from people living in such curtain houses and measures of objective data from investigation with questionnaires
  3. Abstract : monitoring of environmental traffic noise at twelve roll gates in hubei province were made and their assessment was also done . the levels of pollution of traffic noise inside and outside the roll gates were analysed from three aspects of leq : db amount , subjective sensation , uses and characters of roll gate . a suggested standard of environmental traffic noise which should be carried out inside roll gate was brought forward
  4. The traditional objective evaluation method ignores person ' s subjective sensations on the sound , so it is not applicable to the research of sound quality . but the general method of evaluation of sound quality which is carried out with people on - line has the limitation of efficiency , cost , time and so forth , so it is necessary to establish objective evaluation method based on subjective sensations
  5. Quality aspect : because of the sacd oneself fixed position and 1 ratio the measure the dsd the chien s of direct data at technique with the advantage , after experienced stereo set of majority develop a fever the friend to through of ear hear , the subjective felling all think the sacd on the quality slightly . because of but the many friend of stereo set field all think , if the set set up the family the to permit the hi - fi , dvd - audio the but if in regard to play the true music of high is lord , special therefore pursue the quality the tone color of to true to pure for the purpose s friend , the sacd is your ideal choice
    音质方面:由于sacd自身的定位以及1比特量化dsd直接数据流在技术方面的简洁和优势,大多数资深的音响发烧友经过亲耳聆听后,主观感觉都认为sacd在音质上略胜一筹。因而音响界许多朋友都认为,若组建家庭影院兼容hi - fi , dvd - audio应该是首选。但若以玩高保真音乐为主,特别是以追求音质音色的至真至纯为目的的朋友而言, sacd是您理想的选择。


        主观:    subjectivity; subjective
        感觉:    sense perception; sensation; ...
        主观感觉响应:    subjective perceived response
        主观感觉性失眠:    sleestate misperception
        观感:    impressions
        感觉的主观尺度:    subjective scale of sensation
        主观体力感觉评定:    rating perceived exertion
        主观:    subjectivity; subjective 主观感觉 subjective feeling; 主观愿望 subjective desire; wishful thinking; 主观世界 the subjective world; 主观认识 subjective understanding; subjective knowledge; 主观努力one's own personal efforts;subjective efforts; 看问题要避免主观片面。 try to avoid being subjective and one-sided when looking at problems.; 主观判断法 heuristic method; 主观唯心主义 subjective idealism;主观误差[物理学] subjective error; 主观性 subjectivity; 主观真理 subjective truth
        对他人观感:    other perception
        观感所及:    what one sees and what one gathers
        观感质量:    quality of appearance
        景观感知:    landscape perception
        视观感光计:    visual sensitometer
        感觉:    1.(对客观事物的反映) sense perception; sensation; feeling; aesthesis; aesthema; aesthesia; tabet 唤起令人愉快的感觉 awake a pleasant sensation; 脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的。 working with one's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work. 我突然有种奇异的感觉。 strange feelings suddenly came over me. 天花板高给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉。 a high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness.2.(觉得) feel; perceive; become aware of 你感觉怎么样? how do you feel now? 我在等待的时候, 感觉到房子里发生了什么事。 as i waited, i became aware of something happening in the house
        主观的:    arbitrary; empiric; subjective
        主观地:    subjectively
        主观法:    acoustics-measurement of sound attenuation of hearing protectors-subjective method
        主观化:    internalise
        主观色:    subjective color
        主观题:    subjective item
        主观型:    subjective type
        主观性:    subjectivity
        主观音:    subjective sound; subjective tone
        显得更具有直观感:    claims
        主观组织主观组织:    subjective organization


  1. "主观概率"英文
  2. "主观概率分配"英文
  3. "主观概率估计"英文
  4. "主观概念"英文
  5. "主观干扰电平"英文
  6. "主观感觉响应"英文
  7. "主观感觉性失眠"英文
  8. "主观估计"英文
  9. "主观估量法"英文
  10. "主观故意"英文


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