主要: main; chief; principal; majo ...货物: goods; commodity; merchandis ...类别: classification; category; ge ...主要货物: prime cargo; prime commodities主要货物释放: major cargo release主要货币: key currencies; key currency; main currency; major currencies主要货运站: major freight station主要货种: principal commodity重要货物: vic very important cargo可燃物类别: fuel class生物类别: categories; category; taxon大路货,主要货品。: staplegoods主要货币单位: number of major currencies; number of major currency主要货运方向: predominant traffic direction非常重要货物: vic very important cargo化学废物类别: chemical waste stream货物类型: cargo type; type of goods货物的类别: series of lot要货: abrufbildung产品主要类别: product main class主要服务类别: list of major services主要类别特征: major class features物类: classification sorts of things and materials要货单: req. requisition等动物类药材主要有马鹿茸: cervus elaphus