As they were situated directly in the proposed reservoir site , they were resettled in tai long wan , a western coastal area of lantau island and a resettlement area in tsuen wan . others , whose land was included as part of the catchment area , or affected by the construction of the catchwaters , faced a different situation . among them , the residents of pui o including lo wei village and sun wei village , ham tin , law uk , san shek wan , upper cheung sha and lower cheung sha village , tong fuk and shui hou village suffered from disturbance to their natural water supply 一些被兴建引水道影响或被辟为集水区的村落,如贝澳老围村、新围村、咸田村、罗屋村、散石湾、长沙上村、长沙下村、塘福村及水口村,原来流经村落的河流及地下水源,因主要水流被引水道堵截,农田无足够水灌溉,早造开耕严重不足,居民须往他乡运水,以应付日常生活急需及维持灌田。
主要: main; chief; principal; majo ...水流: rivers; streams; waters curr ...主要水槽: main sink主要水道: main watercourse主要水平: sill主要水部物体: major water features动物的主要水源: chief source of water for animals欧洲国际主要水道协定: european agreement on main international waterways我要水: bi us abna水流: 1.(江河) rivers; streams; waters2.(流动的水) current; water flow; fluent; flow; [水文] stream current 水流迟缓 sluggish flow; 水流冲刷 current scour; 水流分离(作用) flow separation; 水流痕 current mark; 水流量 water flow; 水流下沉 downwelling; 水流线理 current lineation; 水流最湍急处 stream必要水分: needful moisture必要水份: essential water你要水果吗: do you want some fruit我需要水: i need water重要水准: level of significance主要: main; chief; principal; major 主要敌人 chief enemy; 这是一条繁忙的主要公路。 this is a busy main road. 这主要是由于我的过错。 it is mainly because of my fault.; 主要标志 outstanding feature; outstanding aspect; 主要部分 major component; meat and potatoes; 主要部件 critical piece; 主要产品 main products; prime product; staple products; 主要成本 prime cost; 主要成分 staple; 主要承保人 principal underwriter; 主要公路 primary road; 主要股东 principal shareholder; 主要合伙人 senior partner; 主要河流 trunk river; 主要话题 the staple of conversation; chief means; 主要环节 key link; 主要货币 key currency; 主要街道 arterial street; main street; 主要目的 major objective; 主要农作物 staple crops; 主要品种 principal item; 主要人物 major character; 主要市场 staple market; 主要特性 key property; leading features; prominent character; main characteristic; 主要特征 principal character; 主要条款 main clause; 主要问题 primal problem; 主要因素 major factor; primary factor; the be-all and end-all; 主要责任 ultimate liability; 主要证据 main evidence; 主要指标 leading indicator; major target; 主要指控 first charge; 主要重音 [语言学] main stress; primary accent; primary stress; principal stress; 主要罪行 major offense终究要水落石出: murder will out春水流: spring water flowing淡水流: freshet古水流: palaeocurrentpaleocurrent; paleocurrent河水流: fluvial current洪水流: flood flow急水流: gush枯水流: low-flow泥水流: silt flow