主管: be responsible for; be in ch ...高: tall; high宾: guest主管高浩: gokul laroia主管高浩澧: gokul laroia主管高礼行: leon goldfeld高宾斯: tus koblenz詹姆斯高宾: james coburn占士高宾: james coburn主管: 1.(负责管理) be responsible for; be in charge of 他受命主管这个部门。 he was placed in charge of the department.2.(主管人员) person in charge 谁是这里的主管? who is in charge here?; 主管部门 competent department; department in charge; authorities concerned; power of authorities in charge; departments responsible for the work; controlling body; 主管工程师 engineer in charge; 主管机关 competent authorities; responsible institution; 主管者 executive行政总监高宾: pam coburn测压管高程: piezometric elevation多管高射炮: multi-barrel antiaircraft gun多管高效塔: multitubular high efficiency tower接管高度: height of nozzle食管高压区: high pressure zone in esophagus双管高射炮: double-barreled antiaircraft gun下液管高度: height of downcomer显像管高压: picture tube high voltage光电管高温计: photocell pyrometer晶体管高阻表: tra istor megger; transistor megger毛细管高度法: capillaryheight method身管高射炮兵: tube antiaircraft artillery身管高射糇兵: cannon antiaircraft artillery咽食管高压区: pe-hpz; pharyngoesophageal high pressure zone