主机: main engine; master; host ma ...游戏: recreation; game年间: during a certain era or age量: measure capacity统计: statistics; census; numerica ...订货量统计表: ordering table出货量: output volume; shipment amount; volume of shipment游戏年龄: play age单位出货量: megabit unit shipments位元出货量: bit-shipments游戏机游戏: console game国内外: at home and abroad; home and aboard; homes outs; internal and external计算机游戏: personal computer game; video game街机游戏: arcade game手机游戏: mobile game掌机游戏: handheld game console变量统计: statistics of variables参量统计学: parametric statistics测量统计: geodetic surveying产量统计: output statistics存量统计: stock statistics单变量统计: univariate statistics多变量统计: multivariate statistics钢产量统计: steel statistics工作量统计: workload account