Ana1yzing princip1e of fuzzy contro1 system and part of corre1ation production provide the foundation for introducing decoup1 ing theorem on a mu1ti - - input and mu1ti - - output fuzzy system into this paper . by decomposing the who1e system into two sub - - contro1 systems , a fuzzy contro1 system has been designed to contro1 ac motor . the experiments about the designed system has shown that it can make the system run stab1y and reach at the contro1 requirements 在综合分析模糊控制系统的原理和部分现有的相关成果的基础上,引入了一个多输入多输出模糊控制系统解耦定理,将交流伺服电机位置控制系统分解成了两个主控制回路系统,设计出了一个交流电机模糊控制系统,经过实验调试表明,所设计的控制系统都能够使系统稳定运行,能满足控制指标要求。
主: host控制: control; dominate; regulate; ...回路: return circuit; return; loop ...控制回路: control circuitry; control loop; duct pilot; loop内控制回路: inner control loop频控制回路: frequency control loop外控制回路: outer control loop总控制回路: overall control loop安全控制回路: safety control circuit闭环控制回路: close loop control circuit并联控制回路: parallel control loop导弹控制回路: missile control loop电流控制回路: current control loop电压控制回路: voltage control loop独立控制回路: individual control loop方向控制回路: direction control circuit; directional control circuits; heading control loop辅助控制回路: subsidiary control loop给水控制回路: feedwater control loop工艺控制回路: process control loop滚转控制回路: roll loop过程控制回路: process control loop回馈控制回路: feedback control loop回授控制回路: feedback control loop流量控制回路: flow control circuit慢转控制回路: slow turning control circuit; slow-turning control circuit