为: support; stand for职位: position; post工作: work; operation; working; op ...需要: need; want; require; demand; ...设: x的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...部门: department; branch; class; s ...宿舍: living quarters; dorm; diggi ...为工作需要而设的部门宿舍: operational departmental quarters为工作需要而设的宿舍: operational quarters职位工作需要: post-tied职位需要;职位工作需要: post-tied部门宿舍: departmental quarters工作需要: job demand工作需要;职务需要: operational need工作需要日本国籍: job needs japanese nationality纪律人员部门宿舍政策检讨小组: review team of the policy on provision of departmental quarters to disciplined services staff专为个别任职者而设的晋升职位: ad personam promotion post; personam promotion post翻译工作需要特别细心: translation demands utmost care. needs密切结合工作需要的训练: training that marries well with the needs of the job这项工作需要多少个工: how many man days will it take to complete this project为小鸟而设的: for the birds工作时间可依需要而伸缩的制度: spreadover(状语)据他估计,这项工作需要六个人。: according to his estimate,six men will be needed for the work全非培训发展工作需要的人材的会议: all africa conference on personnel training for development