

[ wéifùbùrén ] 发音:   "为富不仁"的汉语解释   用"为富不仁"造句
  • be rich and cruel; be one of the heartless rich
  • 为富不仁为仁不富:    the benevolent are not rich. kernel
  • 不仁:    1.(不仁慈; 刻薄; 不厚道) not benevolent; heartless 不仁不义 inhumanity and injustice; neither virtuous nor righteous; vile; sinful; 为富不仁 in the pursuit of riches there is no benevolence; the heartless rich2.(失去知觉; 感觉迟钝) numb; numbness 麻木不仁 insensitive; apathetic
  • 富不过三代:    great trees are good for nothing but shade
  • 贫富不均:    too much difference between the rich and the poor
  • 不仁道:    brain to


  1. The rich are not benevolent ; the benevolent are not rich .
  2. A stingy rich man is like a beggar with a pearl . an evil rich man is like a poor man with treasure


        为富不仁为仁不富:    the benevolent are not rich. kernel
        不仁:    1.(不仁慈; 刻薄; 不厚道) not benevolent; heartless 不仁不义 inhumanity and injustice; neither virtuous nor righteous; vile; sinful; 为富不仁 in the pursuit of riches there is no benevolence; the heartless rich2.(失去知觉; 感觉迟钝) numb; numbness 麻木不仁 insensitive; apathetic
        富不过三代:    great trees are good for nothing but shade
        贫富不均:    too much difference between the rich and the poor
        不仁道:    brain to
        不仁的:    unkind
        风不仁:    anemogenous skin numbness; wind-numbness of skin
        口不仁:    faded taste sensation; numbness of lips and mouth; numbness of mouth; numbness of pips and mouth; numbness of the lips and mouth
        舌不仁:    general numbness and hypoesthesia
        身不仁:    numbness of the body
        较为富裕:    better to do
        较为富裕的:    better-to-do
        无欲者为富:    he is rich that has few wants
        不仁不义:    inhumanity and injusticeneither virtuous nor righteousvilesinful
        不仁慈的:    u itiful; unmerciful; unpitiful
        不仁慈地:    mercilessly
        残酷不仁:    blood salvage
        刚愎不仁:    stubborn and unkind
        昏迷;麻木不仁:    stupor
        肌肉不仁:    numbness
        口不仁,口麻:    numbness of mouth
        狼戾不仁:    be vicious and cruel; ruthlessly cruel
        麻木不仁:    be petrified; benumbed and unresponsive; dead [lost] to all feeling; hardened; indifferent and apathetic; inert; insensitive; lethargy; paralyzed; slow and stupid in attending to affairs; stolid; thick-skinned; numbed; torpid; unfeeling; unconcerned; unsympathetic 他对同志不是满腔热情, 而是冷冷清清, 漠不关心, 麻木不仁。 he felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic
        你的不仁慈:    of kindness lacked
        为负转移:    jump on minus
        为富人开设的饭店:    an exclusive restaurant private school


        为富不仁的韩语:【성어】 부자가 되려면 어질 수가 없다; 돈벌이를 위해 온갖 나쁜 짓을 다 하다. 穷人病得快死, 财主还上门逼债, 真是为富不仁; 가난뱅이는 병들어 곧 죽으려 하는데도 빚쟁이가 찾아와 빚 독촉을 하다니, 정말 돈밖에 모르는 몰인정한 처사다
        为富不仁的俄语:pinyin:wéifùbùrén жадные до богатства бесчеловечны; жадный и жестокий
        为富不仁什么意思:wéi fù bù rén 【解释】剥削者为了发财致富,心狠手毒,没有一点儿仁慈的心肠。 【出处】《孟子·滕文公上》:“为富不仁矣,为仁不富矣。。” 【拼音码】wfbr 【灯谜面】财主杀妻图财害命 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 【英文】be rich and cruel


  1. "为父母者自然要承担的责任"英文
  2. "为腹腔医生提供一种方法"英文
  3. "为负返回"英文
  4. "为负责"英文
  5. "为负转移"英文
  6. "为富不仁为仁不富"英文
  7. "为富人开设的饭店"英文
  8. "为富士通日本公司"英文
  9. "为妇女创造更多更好的工作国际方案"英文
  10. "为妇女的成就喝彩"英文


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