为: support; stand for不定式: indeterminate form; infiniti ...短语: phrase不定式短语: infinitive phrase表示渴望可以接不定式短语: to be desirous不定式: indeterminate expression; indeterminate form; infinitive不定式;不定的: infinitive不定式标记: infinitive marker动词不定式: infinitive分裂不定式: split infinitive跟不定式: note: long去不定式: aorist tense人称不定式: personal infinitive完成不定式: perfect infinitive土地租赁为不定期: land . . . held by . . . at will不定式做定语: to abandon ship不定式作状语: to have a talk动词的不定式: infinitiv des verbs分裂的不定式: split infinitives在不定式前加: utter/give a cry只能用不定式: not a the【语法】动词的无 “to” 不定式。: root infinitive第十一章 动词不定式: the infinitive后不定式须省去: why not had better后面可接不定式: whether can be followed by an infinitive *whether