

  • take the heat off sb
  • :    support; stand for
  • 解围:    force an enemy to raise a si ...
  • 解围:    1.(解除包围) force an enemy to raise a siege; rescue sb. from a siege; come to the rescue of the besieged2.(摆脱窘境) help sb. out of a predicament; save sb. from embarrassment; get sb. out of a fix; ease sb.'s embarrassment 他们拿我开玩笑, 你怎么不来为我解围? why didn't you come to my rescue when they were making fun of me
  • :    为Ⅰ动词[书面语] (帮助; 卫护) support; stand for;Ⅱ介词1.(表示行为的对象) 为人民服务 serve the people; 为农民唱歌 sing for the peasants; 为顾客着想 think about the interests of the customers; 为农村服务 serve the countryside2.(表示目的) 为实现四个现代化而努力工作 work hard for realizing the four modernizations; 为生活而写作 write for a living3.(表示原因) 为友谊干杯 toast our friendship; 为胜利而欢呼 hail a victory4.(对; 向) 不足为外人道 not worth speaking to others; 且为诸君言之。 now i'll inform you about it.
  • 解围、解脱:    get off the hook


        :    support; stand for
        解围:    force an enemy to raise a si ...
        解围:    1.(解除包围) force an enemy to raise a siege; rescue sb. from a siege; come to the rescue of the besieged2.(摆脱窘境) help sb. out of a predicament; save sb. from embarrassment; get sb. out of a fix; ease sb.'s embarrassment 他们拿我开玩笑, 你怎么不来为我解围? why didn't you come to my rescue when they were making fun of me
        :    为Ⅰ动词[书面语] (帮助; 卫护) support; stand for;Ⅱ介词1.(表示行为的对象) 为人民服务 serve the people; 为农民唱歌 sing for the peasants; 为顾客着想 think about the interests of the customers; 为农村服务 serve the countryside2.(表示目的) 为实现四个现代化而努力工作 work hard for realizing the four modernizations; 为生活而写作 write for a living3.(表示原因) 为友谊干杯 toast our friendship; 为胜利而欢呼 hail a victory4.(对; 向) 不足为外人道 not worth speaking to others; 且为诸君言之。 now i'll inform you about it.
        解围、解脱:    get off the hook
        解围球:    clear
        解围人:    buffer 1
        大脚解围:    make a powerful clearance kick
        而我解围:    and set me free
        解围之神:    deus ex machina
        来我解围:    theyre
        踢解围球:    punt
        挑离球,解围球:    chear
        为……买单 为……付款:    pay…for…
        为…干杯,为…祝福:    drink to
        为…让路,为…开路:    make way
        给,为:    for
        为1:    bha
        为……筹备:    arrange for
        为……得分:    score for
        为……疯狂:    go mad about sth./doing
        为……付钱:    pay for
        为……解酒:    disintoxicate
        为……签字:    to sign for
        为……去:    go for


  1. "为……感到难受;抱歉"英文
  2. "为……感到忧虑"英文
  3. "为……坚持住"英文
  4. "为……接通电话"英文
  5. "为……解酒"英文
  6. "为……举行就职典礼"英文
  7. "为……开辟道路"英文
  8. "为……买单 为……付款"英文
  9. "为……签字"英文
  10. "为……去"英文


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