Avery dennison is a global leader in pressure - sensitive labeling materials , office products and retail tag , ticketing and branding systems 艾利丹尼森公司是美资跨国公司,也是《财富》杂志评选的美国500强公司之一。
Avery dennison is a fortune 500 company with $ 4 . 2 billion in sales and the company continues to deliver a superior return on investment 艾利丹尼森是美国财富500强企业之一, 2002年年度销售额达42亿美元。公司保持着投资的高回报。
Through his research , e ? denison came to the conclusion that the increase of factor productivity becomes more and more important to the economy development 而丹尼森通过研究,得出结论:要素生产率的提高对经济增长起着越来越重要的作用。
Founded in 1935 , avery dennison is a global leader in pressure - sensitive technology and innovative self - adhesive solutions for consumer products and label materials 艾利丹尼森公司成立于1935年,是美国《财富》 500强公司之一, 2005年总销售额达55亿美元,在压敏技术及标签系统方面处于全球领先地位。
Some china scholars measured the china gdp from 1982 to 1990 with the danison ' s method , and point out that the contribution of education investment is 8 . 84 percent this period 也有中国学者采用丹尼森的方法对我国1982 ? 1990年间的国内生产总值增长情况作出测算,得出这期间教育对我国gdp年平均增长的贡献为8 . 84 。