丹: red佛: the Buddha八: eight国: country; nation; state首脑会议: conference of heads of state ...小国首脑会议: mini summit八国首脑高峰会议: g8八国集团首脑会议: g8西方七国首脑会议: group-7; seven western countries summit conference; seven-nation economic summit; group of seven summit第31届八国集团首脑会议: 31st g8 summit第32届八国集团首脑会议: 32nd g8 summit第33届八国集团首脑会议: 33rd g8 summit非洲葡语五国首脑会议: summit of five portugese speaking countries in africa; summit of five portugese_speaking countries in africa首脑会议: leadership conference; summit conference; summit meeting团首脑会议: 32nd g8 summit非洲葡语国家五国首脑会议: summit of five portugesl speaking countries in africa; summit of five portugesl-speaking countries in africa; summitoffiveportuguese-speakingcountriesinafrica石油输出国组织成员国首脑会议: summit conference of the organization of petroleum exporting countriesmember states阿奇首脑会议: summitofthearch半球首脑会议: hemispheric summit多哈首脑会议: doha summit法非首脑会议: sommet france-afrique非欧首脑会议: africa-europe summit非斯首脑会议: fez summit conference经济首脑会议: economic leaders meeting马累首脑会议: male summit