临床: clinical和: mix; blend实验室: laboratory标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...协会: association; society; instit ...实验室标准: laboratory standard临床实验室标准化委员会: clsi实验室标准传声器: laboratory standard microphone实验室标准筛网目: laboratory sieve-mesh临床和实验性催眠学会: society for clinical and experimental hypnosis临床和实验医学杂志: journal of clinical and experimental medicine中美癌症分化治疗临床和实验研究中心: sino us cancer differentiation therapy research center; sino-us cancer differentiation therapy research center实验室标记笔: lab markers(marking pens)临床数据交换标准协会: clinical data interchange standards consortium美国临床实验室协会: american clinical laboratory association全国临床实验室协会: national association of clinical laboratories和标准协会: standard club临床实验室: cl lab; clinical laboratory; clinical labororatory埃及标准协会: egyptian organization for standardization法国标准协会: afnor = association francaise de normalization; association francaise de normalisation国际标准协会: international standard association (isa); internationale gesellschaft für normung (isa); isa international standards association国家标准协会: national standards association美国标准协会: american standards institute; asa american standard association; asi; asl; united states america standard i titute; united states america standard institute; united states of america standards institute; united states of american standard i titute; united states of american standard institute欧洲标准协会: cec coordinating european council; cen committee european normalization日本标准协会: japanese standard association