

发音:   用"串索引"造句
  • string indexing
  • :    string together
  • 索引:    index; indexing; key; repert ...
  • 索引:    index; indexing; key; repertory; subscript; concordance 标题索引 subject index; 卡片索引 card index; 书名索引 title index; 作者索引 author index; 索引标记 index marker; 索引表 concordance list; 索引程序 concordance program; 索引卡片柜 kardex; 索引卡片纸 index stock; 索引文件 index file; inverted file; 索引修改 index modification
  • 编索引:    index
  • 表索引:    table index


  1. However , our proposed scheme was only emphasized on single - feature index structure for music data
  2. Several reports have pointed out that these features of music can be transformed and represented in the forms of music feature strings


        :    string together
        索引:    index; indexing; key; repert ...
        索引:    index; indexing; key; repertory; subscript; concordance 标题索引 subject index; 卡片索引 card index; 书名索引 title index; 作者索引 author index; 索引标记 index marker; 索引表 concordance list; 索引程序 concordance program; 索引卡片柜 kardex; 索引卡片纸 index stock; 索引文件 index file; inverted file; 索引修改 index modification
        编索引:    index
        表索引:    table index
        层索引:    layer index
        粗索引:    gross index
        簇索引:    clustered index
        带索引:    tape index
        和索引:    boing
        后索引:    post-indexed; post-mortem debugging
        卷索引:    volume index
        链索引:    chain index
        逆索引:    reverse index
        索引,首页:    index
        索引,内容:    txt text
        索引耙:    drag harrow
        索引薄:    directory
        索引表:    index catalog; index table; indexed list; key
        索引簿:    directory
        索引层:    index level
        索引车:    draft vehicle
        索引带:    draft band
        索引道:    index track
        索引的:    indexed; indexical


  1. "串属性"英文
  2. "串双电枢电动机"英文
  3. "串水辊"英文
  4. "串说明操作数"英文
  5. "串算符"英文
  6. "串台"英文
  7. "串糖葫芦"英文
  8. "串替换"英文
  9. "串替换功能"英文
  10. "串替换规则"英文


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