丰采: fine manners; graceful beari ...依然: still; as before风采依然: one's elegance remains as before丰采: fine manners依然: still; as before 她依然是那个老样子。 she still looks her old self丰采可人: a man of prepossessing appearance丰采韶秀: be of a most refined and prepossessing appearance一瞻丰采: have a look at sb.'s beautiful appearance爱依然: still love仍然,依然: none the less我依然: and even so i still remain爱依然存在: aun existe amor景物依然: the view is just as before他依然不错: yes he still remains完全一样;依然: all the same我心依然: no matter what我依然爱你: i'm still in love with you; nannan; ti amero我依然孤单: i'm still all alone我依然相信: i still believe依然爱你: still loving you依然爱我: love me still依然承认: retain依然存在: staying alive依然范特西: still fantasy; vbr 192k依然疯狂: still crazy after all these years