It was a big meal and we all felt replete 这是丰盛的一餐,我们都吃得很饱。
She filled her guests with a square meal 她以丰盛的一餐来满足她的客人。
Even when times were bad , there was always enough money for a good blowout at christmas 即使是在艰难的岁月,人们也有足够钱在圣诞节时吃上丰盛的一餐。
Montreal center fellow initiates gathered to thank god and celebrate the reality of the new golden age , enjoying a scrumptious meal and a fine performance by a sister initiate who disguised herself as a story - teller 为了表达对上帝的感恩,并庆贺黄金新世纪的到来,蒙特利尔小中心的同修聚欢庆。我们享用了丰盛的一餐,并欣赏由一位师姊装扮成说故事者的精采节目演出。
丰盛: rich; sumptuous; bumper的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...一餐: a meal丰盛的: generous; hearty; scrumptious大量的,丰盛的: generous丰盛的酒席: the feast of fat things丰盛的上餐: a hearty meal丰盛的晚餐: a fancy dinner; good supper丰盛的午餐: scrumptious lunch丰盛的宴席: gooddinner丰盛的筵席: a feast of fat things味美的;丰盛的: scrumptious简单而丰盛的: rough and round一顿丰盛的饭: a big meal一桌丰盛的菜: liberal table节省的一餐: a frugal meal愉快的一餐: a lovely cool drink吃一顿丰盛的午餐: have a big lunch吃一顿丰盛的早餐: eat a hearty breakfast设摆丰盛的筵席: made a great feast谢谢您丰盛的晚餐: it was a wonderful dinner一顿丰盛的正餐: a big dinner一盘丰盛的菜肴: rich dish精美昂贵的一餐: a luxurious meal有八道菜的一餐: a dinner of eight courses