丰富: abundant; ample; aplenty; ri ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...社会: society技术: technology; skill; technique ...工作: work; operation; working; op ...体系: system; setup; hierarchy社会技术: social technology社会技术理论: socio-technical theory社会技术团队”: sociotechnical teams社会技术系统: sociotechnical system信息社会技术: ist非技术工作: unskilled work技术工作: engineering effort; skilled work技术工作组: twg technical work group大型社会技术系统: large-scale sociotechnical system社会技术系统法: the social-technical systems a roach; the social-technical systems approach社会技术系统方法: sociotechnical system approach社会技术系统模型: sociotechnical system approach鄙薄技术工作: despise technical work shallow and ignorant技术工作管理: engineering management科学技术工作: scientific and technological work丰富的: a store of; abd; abounding; abundance; abundant; affluent; ample; amplification; aplenty; copious; cornucopian; crummy; exuberant; fertile; flush; frequent; full; generous; lavish; liberal; luxuriant; opulent; plentiful; prodigal; productive; profuse; stout; substantial; teeming; thick; wealthy丰富一个人的社会阅历: enrich one’s social experience风能技术工作组: working grouon wind energy technology机构间技术工作组: inter-agency technical working group