On the basis of social survey on siliao in the rural areas of fengning manchu autonomous county of chengde , qian ' an and luannan of tangshan , this research deeply analyzes the present status sorts and reasons of siliao in the rural areas of hebei province , and specially discusses the interaction between the national law and folk rules in siliao . as a way of solving dispute , siliao essentially is a non - litigation folk mechanism . it can solve the dispute economically and quickly , and well maintain the former harmonious relationship between both parties 在对河北省承德市丰宁满族自治县及唐山市迁安市(县级市)和滦南县的农村社区的私了现象调查的基础上,本研究深入分析了农村社区私了的现状、分类及原因,并着重探讨了私了过程中的国家法与民间规则的互动,认为:作为纠纷的解决方式,私了本质上首先是一种非诉讼的民间纠纷解决机制,它可以经济、方便、迅速解决纠纷,并且在纠纷解决过程中能够较好地维护先前的和睦关系,保护当事人双方的面子,有利于维护社会稳定。