丰产: high yield; bumper crop育种: breeding产育: delivery and feeding of an infant丰产: high yield; bumper crop 这些庄稼可望丰产。 the crops are promising.; 丰产核 fertile nuclei; 丰产田 high-yield plot产育率: prolificacy rate育种: breeding 通过育种已培养出可在北方种植的小麦品种。 breeding has produced types of wheat which can be grown in the north丰产的: fruitful; heavy-bearing; luxuriant; prolific丰产地: fertile plain丰产核: fertile nucleus丰产井: prolific producer丰产树: heavy bearer丰产田: high yield plot丰产性: yielding ability丰产盆地: prolific basin丰产试验: test in getting bumper crops改良丰产棉: improved prolific cotton速生丰产林: fast-growing and high-yield plantation; fast-growing high-yield forests斗丰产业公司: duhpung corp丰产油井;富矿脉: bonanza健丰产业公司: gun poong industry co., ltd蚕育种: silkworm breeding育种场: breeding farm; breeding station育种法: method of breeding育种家: breeder育种价: breeding value