Experimental research on mechanics of force transmission and performance of shock - resistant joints with upper moderate shear - compression ratio 中等偏高剪压比抗震节点传力机理及性能试验
Structure validity and content validity were used as validity index . the correlation coefficient of all the factors was moderate , which indicated good concordance in a way among the factors ; the correlation coefficient between factors and the sum of questionnaire was more than 0 . 5 , which showed all the elements fairly good reflect the content that the questionnaire aimed to survey 研究发现各因素间呈中等偏低的相关,表明因素之间具有一定的独立性;各因素与问卷总分间基本上达到中等偏高的相关,表明各个因素较好的反映了问卷所要测查的内容;进一步的验证性因素分析也验证了目前的因素结构。