中立: neutrality; neutral; standin ...管辖: have jurisdiction over; admi ...区: H region; H管辖区: district法院管辖区: judicial district共同管辖区: a unit in such a complex管辖区城市: presidency city管辖区域: jurisdictional area; precinct户口管辖区: households registry jurisdictional警察管辖区: constable wick孟买管辖区: bombay presidency司法管辖区: jurisdictions特别管辖区: special jurisdiction zone总督管辖区: captaincy-general管辖范围, 管辖区域: compass of competency长老会管辖区: presbytery法官管辖区域: territory of a judge孟加拉管辖区: bengal presidency不排他法律管辖区: non-exclusive jurisdiction多个司法管辖区: multiple jurisdiction非管辖区、治外法权: extraterritoriality宫廷的管辖区域: verge检查员的管辖区域: inspectorate指明司法管辖区: specified jurisdiction专属捕鱼管辖区: zone of exclusive fishing jurisdiction