中: hit; fit exactly登场: come on stage的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...邪: evil; heretical; irregular灵: quick; clever; bright巨: huge; tremendous; gigantic中登场的亚述: assyria中登场的阿修罗,为希罗尼亚克夏: hiranyaksa中登场的龙此龙乃恶魔之首路西法: lucifer眼中所看不到的邪灵: unseen by naked eyes巨灵: genie; gigantes; jinn邪灵: demon中登场之阿修罗,与查卢底修那: charudeshna登场: (剧中人出现在舞台上) come on stage◇登场人物 characters in a play; dramatis personage等等;玩家还能驾驶全新登场的猫鼬号: mongoose田中登: noboru tanaka巨灵神: mighty miracle god邪灵术: vile death精灵巨弓: elven great bow百臂巨灵: hecatoncheires古城邪灵: buyu巨灵护盾: i00h; i00o; i00p; i00r幕后邪灵: the wisher神灯巨灵: mahamoti djinn邪灵复活: the haunting of morella